Thursday, March 16, 2023

Flooded, Dusty & Rocky Roads!

This was 4/11/23, the corner of Los Griegos & FR10. The water was coming down from a burn scar from the Cerro Pelado fire last spring. Unfortunately, Sandoval County and the USFS have trouble figuring out who can upgrade FR10. I sure wish it could get paved from the fire station to SR4! Update 3/2/24 - Neither entity upgraded the area as they both had promised. The gulley is reforming with our early Spring runoff. It's only going to get worse. At least we have an off-road SUV now to get to the fire department.

This is 4/5/233. With rehabbing vehicles, we were out from 06:30 to 09:30. That's Wyatt braving the grit. Happily, there was a live patient to put in the helicopter! There is also a grit-free area of SR4 where it landed/took-off.

his is what got us up at 5:00 on the morning of 3/16/23. LCVFD did rush-hour traffic control until the state got this grader up to move it.

When you see a sign in the Jemez Mountains that warns of falling rocks, this is what they are warning you about! There were cars parked in this area on days before and after this rock fall.

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