Thursday, April 4, 2024

John Barth was my first favorite author

Update: 2 copies of "The Sot-weed Factor were found and packed to go to Maryland. Ask me when we get there if you want to read it.

Sadly, I know of no one specifically to share this with.

Bill Hutchison handed me a copy of "The Sot-weed Factor" in high school. That, and knocking bullies off me one time, etched a permanent memory of him in my mind. But we never really connected and never stayed in touch after high school. And nobody else that I ever handed the book to ever finished reading it, to my knowledge.

So I will share this obituary - - with my blog.

Linked from Wikipedia
He was my favorite author for many years. While none of his other works ever reached the level of immersion I got in "The Sot-weed Factor," he wrote several others that are "classic" in my mind. Would he have objected to that term?

I took 2 literature courses in college that I selected by seeing a book of his on the syllabus. I still have a copy of "Why the Floating Opera" that I wrote for one of those. While the paper was above average - inspired by the book - it was still the product of a sophomore. So maybe I should resist sending it through the OCR and attaching it . . .

"Giles Goat-boy" was my second-favorite of his books. If it had been written in this century, it might have been labelled "fantasy" and ended up on Netflix. I fell in love with the name "Anastasia" from that book and our daughter got that name. I must clarify, though, she is not "named after" the character.

I read everything John Barth wrote for a long while. Every book was literature, not just a product for the printing presses. After many years though, it seemed that he was no longer writing for me, the reader, but for other writers to learn from. Being a consumer of fiction, I eventually stopped looking for anything new from him.

That's when somebody turned me on to Neil Gaiman. Hopefully, I will need really strong reading glasses to read his obituary (or vice-versa). Neil has also moved on from works of classic adult literature, so I need a new favorite author.

Monday, April 1, 2024

April 1, 2024

 It seems that the 2 days of 60 degree, mostly sunny, weather were just a set-up for this April Fools joke:

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Another year, another Boston Cream Pie!

Update: Dad had yet another birthday, looks like this is becoming a trend.

Dad had his birthday on the fifth! He's realllllly old now. As every year, he gets his Boston Creme Pie. We also went to the fancy movie theater in Santa Fe to see Aquaman and drink beer. Fun!
         Here's last year's cake picture:
And the year before:
And the year before (frown due to pain from surgery):
And the year before:
I think there's usually a lot of beer involved. We have quite the tradition.

Friday, January 5, 2024

NOT Puerto Rico 68

Oh well, no pictures of beaches this year.

Due to both of us recovering from having parts fixed, we are home instead of in Puerto Rico. My birthday started at 06:15 with an EMS call up a slick snowy road and down a steep snowy driveway.

This will need to be was not atoned for.