Sunday, January 7, 2024

Another year, another Boston Cream Pie!

Update: Dad had yet another birthday, looks like this is becoming a trend.

Dad had his birthday on the fifth! He's realllllly old now. As every year, he gets his Boston Creme Pie. We also went to the fancy movie theater in Santa Fe to see Aquaman and drink beer. Fun!
         Here's last year's cake picture:
And the year before:
And the year before (frown due to pain from surgery):
And the year before:
I think there's usually a lot of beer involved. We have quite the tradition.

Friday, January 5, 2024

NOT Puerto Rico 68

Oh well, no pictures of beaches this year.

Due to both of us recovering from having parts fixed, we are home instead of in Puerto Rico. My birthday started at 06:15 with an EMS call up a slick snowy road and down a steep snowy driveway.

This will need to be was not atoned for.