Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Big Update: Some people will consider this political . . .

 . . . and those people would be Trump loyalists who care more for his agenda than they care for the USA. (Update: This would seem to include members of my own family that no longer view all the nice pictures I post because the following somehow offended them):

Big Update 8/2/23: Well, he hasn't been held accountable yet, but yesterday's indictment is a step in that direction.

I can't imagine how this country has gotten to the point of excusing the incitement of a violent mob attack on US representatives, the vice-president, police officers, and the Capitol building to appease a loyal base of voters. 

In the end, yesterday (Update: This was originally written after the Senate voted not to impeach Trump for inciting a riot), most Republicans felt it was more important to narrowly interpret the Constitution than to defend it. Mitch McConnell excused them by saying Trump had not gotten away with anything . . . yet. Emphasis on the "yet." (Update: He got away with it . . . so far.) 

No politician wants to start the practice of putting political rivals in jail (except Trump) because the "next Trump" will have the precedent to jail his rivals. Finding Trump guilty and voting to bar him from office yesterday would have sent a different message to the "next Trump" - don't attack the USA for your political ends. Instead, once again, Trump's behavior has been normalized.

The USA now has precedents for the President to obstruct FBI investigations, to withhold support from an ally defending itself from communism, to use this same taxpayer money to compel the ally to "investigate" his political rival, and to incite violence against our elected representatives. Update: And precedent to purposely retain highly classified documents along with other govenrment property after leaving the government.

And to those of you saying Democrats incited, or even excused the sometimes-violent protests this summer, check your information sources. Unlike Trump, Democrats openly condemn violence. And, most of the rioters hurting other people (as opposed to hurting property) were the anti-protesters. And, remember that the BLM protesters were protesting the actual murders of innocent (or at most petty criminal) black people. The people that attacked the Capitol were protesting over patently false claims of an election "stolen" from them.

If I have anybody still reading, I have some requests. Please, don't believe anything you read on social media like Facebook and Twitter. It's entertainment, not reality. Please, don't believe anything you hear/see on the extremists news like MSNBC, OAN, Newsmax, Democracy Now, Alex Jones, etc. And be careful believing anything you hear from the "Talking Heads" on CNN and Fox. Read fact-checks on Snopes, Politifact,, etc. You will often find that you have been mislead or brazenly lied to. This is an interesting story. Though the Guardian may be liberal, they tend to stick to the truth.

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