Thursday, January 17, 2019

I guess I better go walk with Mom!

If this is true, all that walking that Dick & Sparky did with Mom over the years, and the somewhat regular walks she still gets with me, are keeping her brain from being worse!

Click here to get to NPR story


  1. Too late - she gets to tour by wheel-chair now. But she stayed healthy many many years.

  2. Wow, if you are/were Assisted Living aides, I hope you are gone! All the food she can eat is included in her monthly "rent." But what is more important is HER wishes that she wrote on paper and signed NOT to be force-fed if she ever got to where she was back in March. If you can't respect a resident's and her family's wishes, you probably shouldn't work with them. I hope your mother lives as happy and long life as MY mother.

  3. Wow, he's following her explicit directives about not force feeding and y'all think it's ok to be nasty trolls? You shouldn't work with people in hospice. They have rights and your comfort isn't as important as their rights.
